Monday, June 1, 2015

Day 4 - Aullwood Audubon

On day 4 of the “To The Woods” STEMersion, we visited Aullwood Audubon to explore the different communities of species there. Binocular in hand, we set out on our own little adventure. Walking down the trail which lead to the first community, the grassland. We noticed a lot of birds and plants that was growing here.

Bird on top of a food nest

Medicational Plant

Buckeye's Leaf

A very naughty mosquito
Heading back, we arrived at our second community, the ‘zoo’, where we met snakes, turtles, and fish. I even got to touch them!

Copperhead Snake

Black Rat Snake


... A lizard?

Back to the trail again, we head uphill into a half-a-mile woodland community. There were lots of cool things we came across, like spiders hive, plant which could’ve been use to shine pennies, or brush teeth.

Coming out into our last community, the farm, there was your everyday farm animals. Horse, pigs, even sheep.




Getting a bit of rest before we head back to school.

At school, we were given an assignment on coming up with a short guided imagery, this is one that I wrote:
Sitting in a chair stressed with the homework the teacher have given you that day, you decided to go outside to relieve some of those negative emotion. Walking in the sideway around your neighborhood under the red, warm sun, you can feel breezes gliding across your back to the side of your ears. You take a deep inhale … then give out a sigh.
Continuing walking, you heard a small, repetitive sound. Deciding to move closer to the sound, you started to hear it a bit clearer. Chirp ... (3x, each time louder). From afar, you can tell the sound is coming from a nest in a nearby tree. Approaching the evergreen. Looking up at the tall, yet balanced branches, glimpses of red light sparkled in your eyes. Then, you noticed something amazing. Something like a mother robin delivering food to its children.

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