Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 8 - Bellbrook Canoe

On day 8 of the "To The Woods" STEMersion, we take a trip to Bellbrook to get some canoeing experience in the "Little Miami River."
On the bus moving up river

Ready to bring the canoes to the water

Off we go!
Canoeing is, on some aspect, very relaxing. Since there isn't as much force involve in making the canoe moves because we're going down river. I notice a lot of creatures during the long canoe trip like water snakes, butterflies, lots of bugs, geese, and even mosquitoes.

Sometimes, we stopped paddling for a few minutes and focus on our ear. I would hear many familiar sounds like bird chirping, leaves moving. However, there were calming sound like the river flowing, rocks hitting the bottom of the canoe.

Overall, it was a very nice trip. I felt a lot calming after it.

At school, I wrote a poem about the experience on the river.

Making the calmest environment
Would take but a few things.
Pack in gallons of soil
And fill up the middle with water.
Throw in thousands of rocks
And put in hundreds of trees,
Mixed with many chirping sounds
Plus various butterflies.
Add in little breezes
Along with a white covering on top.
Push in a rowboat
With you laying down on it.
Now take a deep breath,
Close your eyes, kickback, and enjoy.

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