Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 3 - Cox Arboretum

On day 3 of the "To The Wood" STEMersion, we traveled to Cox Arboretum Park to explore the natural environment around the park.

As we walked around the park, we spotted several trees and creatures around the park as shown below.

Leaf of a Oak tree

A very young Evergreen tree

An Austrian Pine tree

A Maple tree

Leaf of a Spruce tree
A bee collecting pollen
A goose walking bravely across the field of grass

A garden snake protecting its territory
A pretty little frog

As I walked around, I noticed many other interesting things, but didn't have enough time to take the picture. For example, I noticed a really small turtle eating the flowers from the branches that was in the water. I also seen a squirrel running into its hole as soon as it seen me.
Me and a few friends exploring the park

After exploring the place for three hours, we rest for a little bit before we did our yoga for the day to calm our mind down. I think I'm getting more familiar with yoga, and I could control my breathing pretty well now. Although it was pretty hot when we did yoga outside.

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