Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 1 - Introduction

Today, we started off with a quote from H.D. Thoreau, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately."

After that, we read a excerpt from Anne Lamott, "Looking Around," and figured out its message, "Slow down in life and you might notice something amazing."

Then, we went through the introductions with everyone and expectations for this course.

Next, we did a "team-building" activity where we need to bring everyone across the "lake" using four wooden platform.

Afterward, we had a guest speaker, Scott Giesel, who taught us about "nature writing." This is basically writing about nature, it can be poems, journals, or multimedia.

There are three steps to nature writing:
  • First. Observations. Writing down specifics and details.
  • Second. Meanings. The feelings, ideas, metaphors, personification, connections, and symbolism.
  • Third. Delivery. Express the observations and meanings to everyone else.
The main idea that Scott wanted us to know is that "Get a journal, make observation, and delivers the meaning."

Finally, we did a "visualization" practice, where we were to nature write about a nature scene from our past experience. I wrote the following paragraph for this practice:

"It was on a normal day as any other day as I look out the window from my familiar room. Everything was nothing out-of-the-ordinary. Then, I notice a small blue-striped birds hopping form tree to tree while singing a melody that's very distinct, yet it was very vivid in my mind. A few minutes later, as the singing continues, another small, high-pitch melody responds back. As those melody goes back and forth, as if arguing with each other, I feel as if the world itself is alive."

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