Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 2 - Delco Park

On day 2 of this course, we walked from our school to Delco Park, a two-miles walk.

 First, we had a guest speaker, Rob Boley, whom inform us more about writing, "Writing doesn't have to be work."

Then, we did an activity developing a haiku, a poem-like structure, to develops a short writing by starting with a few random words. This is one of the haiku that I wrote:

"Developers and curious
Owning the woodlands
In auction night at ground zero
light of celebrate."

Afterward, we did an exercise known as "Small World," where we used our observation skills on an 1-by-1 inch area to see new things that we never notice before. This is the environment that I observe:

I noticed that inside that above the dirt, there were large, black ants that was patrolling the place. Moving closer, I could see many small, much smaller than the black ants, feeding into the dirt. Sometimes, a little white bug would show up above the surface. Moving along the dirt, I spotted a tiny, golden, egg that sat firmly outside of the soil.

Then, we started walking home in time for lunch!

After lunch, we started the "Hershey Kiss" activity, where we used our observation skills again. This time, however, we uses all five of our sense on a very familiar object, the Hershey Kiss chocolate. I used metaphor to describe each of how I sense on the Hershey Kiss.

Afterward, we did yoga to calm down our mind after a very exciting day.

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